About Me

United Kingdom
A runner now for 17 years, started short then moved up to marathons. The last couple of years has seen the transition to ultras. The start of this blog begins with the Juneathon Challenge.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Janathon Day 19 - Do I have to run again?

Here we are again, another day on the Janathon jaunt, Day 19, but in reality Day 233!! This January effort counts for just 8% of my current runstreak. So what was on the menu today? I had just got in to my car this morning and received a text from another of my running colleagues (let me introduce Nathan) - "Cheeky off road 4 2day? I have my kit". I reply with something along the lines of "of course I've got my kit". So a lunchtime 4 was fine by me, Adam had brought his kit in as well so there would be 3 of us today. On finding out our intended route (the 13 stile field crossing) he promptly opted out and said he would go by himself (he's not a big off-road fan).

It was a gloriously sunny day and after our daily sandwich lady perusal (her offerings, not the lady herself!) we set off on our run. The field involves a multitude of levels of bogginess punctuated by 13 stile crossings. Since the rise in temperature the previoulsy frozen ground was a tad moist to say the least. On we tudged at a steady pace and on approaching the penultimate stile we came across three walkers with several dogs. They were currently faced with the perplexing dilemma of trying to transport one of the weighty dogs over the stile!! We exchanged hellos and they waved us through, we climbed over the stile and left them to their procastinations.

After the field it was on past the picturesque Gawsworth Church with the resplendent lake in front of it. A couple of walkers had returned to their cars and were removing a large volume of mud from their boots. A left turn on to the strangely named Maggotty Lane and past a rope swing across a babbling brook. We contemplated a quick 'go' but thought the better of it and conitnued up to the main road. The last mile and a bit took us along the main road and finally back down the lane to the office. This was a slight variation on our 4 miler loop and came up a tad short at 3.89 miles (a few laps round the car park to make up the 4 miles, no, that will do).

I had contemplated throwing in a second run this evening to get me closer to the 200 miles. On getting home I had abandoned this idea and just didn't fancy it at all. The on and off hailstone showers throughout the evening backed up my idea as the right choice!! As I type this my aim is to drive up early to the office and head on up the 'office hill' and get an early 10+ miler in...

Distance: 3.89 miles
Time: 36:38
Janathon Total Distance: 186.24 miles
Streak Total Distance: 1809 miles


  1. hahahaha, I am glad to hea other people run around carparks and up and down out side their house to get the miles to click over! I decided to screw the last 500m this morning!

  2. Last year I remember "rounding up" every run by at least half a mile, sometimes three or more. This year, I'm rounding up to tenths of miles instead :)
