About Me

United Kingdom
A runner now for 17 years, started short then moved up to marathons. The last couple of years has seen the transition to ultras. The start of this blog begins with the Juneathon Challenge.

Monday 2 January 2012

Janathon Day 2 - Mud

On to Day 2 and the last day of the Christmas break meant another chance to run in daylight before the return to work tomorrow and running in the dark! An exchange of tweets last night between Kevin Foreman (@kevinforeman) and Gary Vallance (@LocalAdventures) the two previous winners (ran most miles) of Juneathon and Janathon respectively ensued. This served as a motivator to put in some good miles to keep ahead! It's not a competion, but the competitive streak got the better of me.

A slight frost overnight led to a sunny and crisp morning with a bright blue sky, perfect running weather. After 15 miles on the road yesterday I decided to stay off the road and stick mainly to the fields and farmers tracks which would result in a lot of mud. The planned route was a circular 12 miles of the aforementioned combination. I decided on an extra layer of clothing, but remained in shorts (have been running in shorts all winter) and set off on the first two road miles and on to the farmers track. Plenty of mud ensued leading me through the farm and back on to a country lane.

On past the next farm and a farm dog greeted me with plenty of barking! This made me jump out of my skin due to my previous dog incident (bite on the bottom) the other day (I have a picture of the said bite, available on request!) The route continued between fields and lanes and the final section of mud and water. The old pair of Inov8's I was wearing made good work of it even when the mud threatened to pull the shoe off! Up the final lane to home and another 12 miles was in the bag.

It will be a shock to the system tomorrow having to get up early after a week of lie-ins, even more so if I decide to run Day 3 before setting off for work...

Distance: 12.17 miles
Time: 1:33:34
Janathon Total Distance: 27.19 miles
Streak Total Distance: 1652 miles

1 comment:

  1. do I need t hand over credit card details to see the pic? Nice miles, enjoying your work, keep it up. Seriously, keep it up. Of course, if you want a rest, then that's also OK :-)
