About Me

United Kingdom
A runner now for 17 years, started short then moved up to marathons. The last couple of years has seen the transition to ultras. The start of this blog begins with the Juneathon Challenge.

Monday 9 January 2012

Janathon Day 9 - A Gentle Run for Cake

After yesterdays epic, today was always going to be a gentle recovery run. I would be joined today by my boss and another colleague who is starting his training for the Manchester Marathon at the end of April. With the advent of the new sandwich lady, we decided to wait for her arrival at 12:15 and then head off on the 'office 4 miler loop'. A perusal of the sandwich ladies van yielded the above cream donut, a nice reward to look forward to after the run.

On to the run and the weather had now turned into a steady drizzle. We set off on a nice easy pace, the legs felt pretty good and after a mile had loosened up nicely. I think my legs would have been worse off not running than going for a run. The 'field of cows' had now turned into a quagmire, the short 200 yards across, meant picking the best line to avoid the worst of the mud. The last two miles back on country lanes and the drizzle was now a steady rain, I was enjoying the run but not the weather. Into the last hill towards the office and I could visualise the cake sitting on my desk!

After a hot shower the cake proved to be a success and went down very nicely. I was pleased with how I felt after yesterdays marathon and proved the benefits of the runstreak. Another day ticked off and after tomorrow we will have reached a third done and I will have broken through the 100 mile barrier...

Distance: 4.01 miles
Time: 34:54
Janathon Total Distance: 94.18 miles
Streak Total Distance: 1719 miles


  1. Nice one Andrew! That cake looks Mmmmmm...

  2. Maybe I should have cake set up at the end of my marathon. Would run almost anywhere for cake!!! Great mileage as usual :)

  3. Well done on the ton which I've just seen on running free -- amazing stuff.
